Lee Jeans For Men Definition
Source(Google.com.pk)Once the desired design is selected, patterns from the design are cut from heavy paper or cardboard. Up to 80 different sizes are possible from one pattern. The pieces of denim are then cut with high speed cutting machines from stacks 100 layers thick. Excluding rivets, buttons, and zippers, a pair of blue jeans contains about ten different pieces, from the pockets to the leg panels to the waistband and belt loops.
The pieces of denim are ready to be sewn at this point. Sewing is done in an assembly line fashion, with rows of industrial human-operated sewing machines. Each sewer is assigned a specific function, such as making only back pockets. First, the various pockets and belt loops are assembled. Next, one sewer attaches the pockets to the leg seams, another then sews the leg seams together, and still another attaches the waist-band. Once the waist band is secure, the belt loops may be stitched on and the buttons attached. If the jeans include a zipper, it is then sewn into place, and the pants are hemmed. Finally, the rivets are placed in the appropriate places and the maker's label is sewn on last.
Some jeans are prewashed and/or stone-washed to alter the appearance or texture of the finished jeans. Prewashing involves washing the jeans in industrial detergent for a short time to soften the denim. Stone-washing also means washing the jeans, but pumice is added to the load, resulting in a faded appearance. Small stones (less than one inch [one centimeter] in diameter) produce an even abrasion, while large stones (about four inches [10 centimeters] in diameter) highlight the seams and pockets and produce a more uneven appearance. The completed pair of blue jeans is I0 then pressed. They are placed into a large pressing machine that steam irons the entire garment at once in about a minute. A size tag is punched into the material and the jeans are folded, stacked, and placed in boxes according to style, color, and size before being sent to the warehouse for storage. When the jeans are selected to be sent to a store, they are put in large shipping cartons and sent on freight trains or trucks.
Denim is a rugged cotton twill textile, in which the weft
passes under two (twi- "double") or more warp fibers. This produces
the familiar diagonal ribbing identifiable on the reverse of the fabric, which
distinguishes denim from cotton duck. Denim has been in American usage since
the late eighteenth century. The word comes from the name of a sturdy fabric
called serge, originally made in, France, by the Andre family. Originally
called serge de , the name was soon shortened to denim. Denim was traditionally
colored blue with indigo dye to make blue "jeans," though
"jean" then denoted a different, lighter cotton textile; the
contemporary use of jean comes from the French word for Genoa, Italy (Gênes),
where the first denim trousers were made.A similarly woven traditional American cotton textile is the
diagonal warp-striped hickory cloth that was once associated with railroad en's
overalls, in which blue or black contrasting with undyed white threads form the
woven pattern. Hickory cloth was characterized as being as rugged as hickory
wood—not to mention the fact that it was deemed to be worn mainly by "hicks"—although
neither may be the origin of that term [from a nickname for
"Richard"]. Records of a group of New Yorkers headed for the
California gold fields in 1849 show that they took along four "hickory
shirts" apiece. Hickory cloth would later furnish the material for some
"fatigue" pantaloons and shirts in the American Civil War.
The word dungarees, to identify heavy cotton pants such as overalls
can be traced to a thick cotton country-made cloth, Dongari Kapar, which was
sold in the quarter contiguous to the Dongari Killa, the fort of what was then
known as The word entered English with
just this meaning in 1696 (OED). Dongri Fort was rebuilt in 1769 as Fort
George, Bombay, where the first cotton mill was established in 1854. Dyed in
indigo, the traditional cloth was used by Portuguese sailors and cut wide so
that the legs could be swiftly rolled up when necessary. Thus, dungarees have a
separate history.
Dry or raw denim, as opposed to washed denim, is a denim fabric
that is not washed after being dyed during its production. Over time, denim
will generally fade, which is often considered desirable.
Most denim is washed after being crafted into an article of
clothing in order to make it softer and to eliminate any shrinkage which could
cause an item to not fit after the owner washes it. In addition to being
washed, non-dry denim is sometimes artificially "distressed" to
achieve a worn-in look.
The process of cloth making involves treating the fabric with a number of chemicals in order to produce clothing with such desirable characteristics such as durability, colorfastness, and comfort. Each step of finishing the cotton fabric (dyeing, sanforizing, etc.) produces byproducts, most of which are biodegradable.
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